Recently Dancer Girl turned 13 - she is officially a teenager!
Her one request for her birthday was to be given a full day without her brace.
We were happy to oblige.
She has been so good about pushing through the rough days and her doctor has said she can have a whole week off for summer camp (yay!) so we figured one day would be alright.
She was so happy to sleep brace-free and enjoy a full 24 hour day without the brace. It turned into more than 24 hours with the brace free nights but she was good about getting as many hours in as possible before and after her birthday so in the end we think it worked out just fine.
Our family lives in the New England area and our daughter wore a Boston Brace for her scoliosis. She started in 2014, wore it 18 hrs/day for a year, then 8-10 hrs for 6 mo. She is now brace-free. We refer to her as Dancer Girl. Her younger sister was also diagnosed with scoliosis (2016). She is referred to as Cello Girl. So far, she does not need a brace. We are not doctors or specialists, and nothing on this page should be taken as medical advice. We are simply sharing our journey.
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