Dancer Girl remarked one day that she would never wish for one of her friends to have scoliosis, but she would love to have a friend with scoliosis. Someone who can fully understand what it is like.
Her friends have all been very supportive, asking questions, offering help, giving her flowers & chocolates when she has had a rough day. All this is appreciated greatly by Dancer Girl. But, unless you have gone through something yourself, it is difficult to fully grasp what is involved. And, it is often difficult to explain it to someone else without simplifying the issues and unintentionally diminishing the pain and frustration in the process, or just making it sound like you are complaining too much.
The other day she came home happy because one of the girls in her art class has scoliosis - again, not happy she has it, but happy to have found a "scoli-buddy"! This girl is at the end of her journey and only has to wear it for a few hours a day. But, she wore it to class because Dancer Girl had mentioned it would be nice to wear them at the same time.
She is thrilled to be able to share the highs and lows with someone else who really understands. We are grateful that this friend opened up to Dancer Girl and shared her life in this way. It is a blessing beyond what she probably realizes and we are thankful for it.
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