she has a lower back curve in a similar location as Dancer Girl.
It is 18 degrees.
She has had a huge growth spurt recently which seems to be slowing down so hopefully things won't progress as quickly from here as they did for her sister. We will go back in 6 months for another x-ray.
In the meantime we are going to start her on the same type of Schroth program as Dancer Girl to see if we can slow/halt any progression. She has her first appointment with them in a few weeks.
Now I guess we need a blog name for her...
She is a dancer like her sister, but we can't really call her "Little" Dancer Girl as she is standing close to 5' 5" at age 12!

She also plays and loves the cello so I guess we will go with
"Cello Girl ".
Cello Girl handled this all very well. I think it helped to have seen her sister go through this but also to see that her curve is not as far along as Dancer Girl's was at her age. She was certainly relieved that there wasn't an immediate need for a brace.
We will be keeping an eye on this over the next few months...